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Student Study Teams

What is a Student Study Team (SST)?

The Student Study Team also commonly called a Student Success Team (SST) is a positive, team-oriented approach to assisting students with a wide range of concerns related to their school performance and experience. The purpose of the SST is to identify and intervene early in order to design a support system for students having difficulty in the general education classroom.

Either a staff member or parent can make a referral for an SST. The SST is different than a parent-teacher conference which focuses on improving communication and addressing specific class problems. The team usually consists of a parent, teacher, administrator, and support personnel from the school. Students may also be included depending on their age. Sometimes a special education teacher will also participate to give his or her perspective.

The SST meeting provides everyone with an opportunity to share concerns and develop a plan. The interventions agreed upon will vary depending on the child's needs. The SST team may also try to determine if the child may be struggling due to a specific learning disability or other special need. If the SST team determines that the child could have a special need, they may recommend a formal special education assessment.

Follow-up meetings are scheduled to ensure that the plan is working and to make adjustments to ensure student success. The Student Study Team is an efficient and effective way to bring together all resources in the best interest of helping students reach their potential.

The Student Study Team may be used as an alternative means to see if a student responds to interventions supplied by the school instead of assessing for special education.

SST Model