Bus Passes can be obtained via Bus Pass Days (click here for information)
or via email at bus_pass@rimsd.k12.ca.us
Office Hours:
By Appointment Only
You can mail or email your completed application to:
Rim of the World Unified School District
Bus Pass Office
PO Box 430
Lake Arrowhead, CA 92352
Bus Pass Office/Transportation procedures:
Please return your completed Bus Pass Application in one of the following ways:
Your bus pass will be mailed to your student’s mailing address listed in Aeries, or you can request that it be held for pick-up.
Please note that the Bus Stop that you select is subject to change by Transportation should there be any safety concerns (i.e., street crossing, etc.). Also, please remember to be courteous to our drivers and refer to our Bus Conduct Rules & Regulations.
Thank you in advance,
Rim of the World Unified School District